God's "Exciting" Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church exists to worship, glorify and praise God. We are dedicated to witnessing to our community and to the world by preaching, teaching, baptizing, discipling and Cultivating People in the Word of God.
We envision God using us as a cultivator of His harvest in the Desoto area and throughout the world, furthermore we envision cultivating the harvest through our ministries such as Preaching, Childcare, Adult Day Care, Apartment Bible Study, Children and Youth Field Day and Quarterly Evangelism Outreach.
God's "Exciting" Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church, where believers come to praise God, the unsaved come to know God and we all are Cultivated in God's Word.
This is my Bible which is the Word of God. I believe what it says. I am who it says I am, I can do what it says I can do. I am a victor and not a victim. I will learn from it, I will live by it and I will love like it.